
Following an initial meeting in Norwich in January 2024 funded by BBSRC, the UK Legume Research Community was formally established, a founding steering committee was established, and terms of reference adopted.

UKLRC Steering Committee

Lars Ostergaard

(UKLRC Chair)

Professor of Botany, Oxford

Rahul Bhosale

Research Fellow in Phenomics and Functional Genomics, Nottingham

Chris Harrison

Managing Director, Novofarina

Catherine Howarth

Reader, IBERS

Ravi Vallaru

Senior Lecturer in Crop Science, Lincoln

Donal O’Sullivan (UKLRC2024 Local Host)

Professor of Crop Science, Reading

Myriam Charpentier

Group Leader, John Innes Centre

Phil Howell

Head of Breeding, NIAB Cambridge

Charlotte Jones

Clover Breeder, Germinal Seeds

Roger Vickers


Jacob Bishop (UKLRC2024 Co-host)

Lecturer in Crop Science, Reading

Caspar Chater

Senior Research Leader, RBG Kew

Pete Ianetta

Head of Ecological Food systems, James Hutton Institute

J Leake

Professor of Plant-Soil Interactions, Sheffield

Emma Markham

Senior Portfolio Manager, UKRI